Battle Of Endor Game Cheats

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Find The Generator On Razor Rendevoux

Can't find the last generator on Razor Rendevoux?Go to the bottom of the Imperial Star Destroyer.You'll see a gray ball. Shoot it and then you canhit the command bridge.

Tech Upgrade

STARWARS: Battle of Endor, full game Jan 14 2010 Full Version 14 comments. This is the full game of starwars Battle of Endor. Please note that this is not my game, I only upload it so my mods will work. Add file Comments (0 - 10 of 46) Guest Jan 23 2020.

One the Hoth level, when the shield generator isdestroyed and you are heading for the transportsthrough the big ditch or whatever, turn around tothe place where the shield generator was and youshould see a tech upgrade on the spot where thegenerator was.

Easy Space Missions

Space missions are the easiest for me, since youcan move around a lot especially without auto-roll (it sucks A LOT). Razor Rendezvous, all youhave to do is shoot a couple of TIEs, and thenblast one Star Destroyer. Too easy. Make sureyoou have UNLIMITED lives-it's easiest. Shootdown some TIEs, make it easier for your weakfighter, then attack the orbs on deck. Whenthey're destroyed, go for the round lump on thebottom (you may die trying to destroy the othergenerators, because it's fastest to kamikaze intothem, and when attacking the reactor, don't bestupid and crash into the Razor, okay?). Brakefor a bit at a distance, using lasers andsecondary weapons alike, then, when you've runout of missles etc. just accelerate and crashinto it. This will take about 2 tries at themost, depending how much shields left aftertaking out the other two. It's easy with cheats,isn't it? (lol)

Saving General Lando Part II

As you begin part two of level ten take out thefighters stalking the Falcon. More enemys willwhiz over you shooting you as they pass. Drop aslow as possible. Take them out and repeat theprocess of part one of Strike at the core, STAYON LANDO'S TAIL! Open and close the S-Foilsregularly. You will take damage hitting thewalls, shots from the fighters etc.. By then R5will offer you his services repairing your X wingracking up your sheilds. Repeat this process andbringing you to the Death Star's energy core.Once you take it out it is a race against time ifyou feel you are in trouble destroy yourself. Itwill save you the trouble of repeating themission. Stay with Lando and get yourself outtathere and win the battle against the empire!!

Saving General Lando

At the beginning of level ten, if you are Wedge,Lando asks you to provide cover as he makes hisway into the core of the Death Star. Your bestbet is to stsy on his tail at ALL costs. Open andclose your S-foils repeatedly taking all of thehits. Do not ram into him! If you are destroyeddon't worry about it. Whiz your way back to theFalcon's hide and destory any and all Tiefighters and interceptors you may encounter. Thisstratagy should serve you well.

Imperial Academy Heist Made Easy

When disabling at least 4 or 5 sensors take aleft and it will lead you to another canyonleading to the academy. And, it will still countas disabling the sensors! Then when you are inthe academy try to destroy the ties before theare operational. Then head for the turrets. DONOT use bombs, it takes forever to blow them up.Get your distance and start shooting yourblasters. And then (finally) when you get theshuttle, start rolling to dodge the fire. Andthen head to the big canyon. Then Y-Wings comeand take out the ties.

Destroy A Sensor

On Imperial Academy Hiest, try destroying one ofthe Sensors. You'll be told your too close to one(no matter where you are) but you won't be toldthey have picked you up on them. (Try one at thebegining, I havn't tried one near the end) Ohyeah, do this only during the day.

Lego Battle Of Endor

Lock-on To More Than One Target

Battle Of Endor Game Cheats Xbox 360

(This only works with the A-Wing) When locking-onto a target you can lock-on to more than one.First you lock-on to a target, then don't press Block-on to someone else as if you hadn't lockedon someone else earlier. You can lock-on to up to4 people at a time. This really helps like inBattle on Endor.

Easy Flying

In mission 10 hold the L button so it is easierto move through the second part.

C-3PO And R-2 D2 In The Hoth Hanger Bay

Go to the Mission Select Screen. Select theBattle of Hoth. While your in the hanger bay, golook around the second speeder on your right.Standing under one of the arches is C-3PO and hiscompanion, R-2 D2.

Millennium Falcon Glich

(Note: This will happen four times in this level)Play Falcon in The Battle of Endor.(1) When youcame out of hiper space it will show two falconscoming out of it.(2) Then when you are doneblowing up the tie bombers it will show a sceneand your falcon being shot at and chaste be threetie fighters and then it will show Lando's Falconflying and shoting at a tie and blowing it up.(3)When you go after the Star Destroyers It willshow your Falcon and Lando's Falcon fly to theStar Destroyers.(4)After the sheilds are down itwill show a scene and Lando's Falcon and yoursfly to the Death Star. Just thought you guysmight like this and find it funny and cool.

Tie Glich

Play the Battle of Endor and play as the tiefighter. When you get done blowing up all the tiebombers. A scene will come up showing you flyingas the tie and being shot at and chaste by othertie fighters and that the tie glich. I justthought you guys might find that funny.

Funny Ship Description

This is pretty funny. When you're choosing aship go over to the Y-wing and listen to thedescription by pressing the Y button. Theres areally funny part where they say, '...and itshields will protect you from just about anythingwhich, is good because you wont be going anywherefast...' It's really funny when you listen to it.

Floating Rebel Troop

On the Hoth mission, go to the Ion Cannon andthen fly towards the AT-ATs that are in front ofthe ones in the back (they are the secondfarthest group of AT-ATs from the generator).On the way there you will see a rebel troopfloating in midair. He is mainly just lookingaround, but sometimes he will pull out a blasterrifle and act like he's firing, but you won'tsee any lasers.

Extra Pilot

Battle Of Endor Game Cheats

In the Raid on Bespin mission, get into a cloudcar. Once in, switch to the cockpit view andlook at the other pod by using the C Stick.There will be another pilot in that pod!

Who's flyin this thing!?

On the Ison Corridor Ambush, use the NabooStarfighter (N-1). Watch the cutscene when youenter the nebula and there will be no pilot inthe N-1.

Get Slave I (the RIGHT Way)

To get Slave I, you need 12 silver medals orhigher--not 10! This means that you'll need tohave 2 bonus missions at least. The Slave I isa great ship (it has cluster missiles!!) but isvery slow and has almost no shields. If a TIEgets behind you, you better use all of yourmissiles quick 'cause you're goin down sucka!

Quick Mission Start

Hold L+R when choosing a mission toautomatically start with the default ship.

'69 Buick Flying Around

Go to the Ison Corridor Ambush mission. Use aship that is fairly slow ( I prefer the SlaveI). When the TIE Interceptors come, fly to theback of the convoy, around the last Rebel MediumTransport. You should see a black car flying incircles. Sometimes it will be under thetransport, sometimes over, sometimes behind,sometimes under, etc. Don't run into it--you'llcrash.

Easy Hit Tie Fighters

In any level with the Y-Wing and Tie fighters youcan use your Ion cannon on Tie Fighters! Once itis numb you can hit easely with out it hittingyou! And sometimes it can crash into other tiefighters too!Note: The tie fighter only goes numb for a fewseconds so hurry!

Destroy More Ties On Battle Of Endor

Immediatly after the start of the mission, flytoward the ties. then just turn around and flytoward home one and turn toward were the ties arecoming from. You'll see a lot of ties goingslow. fire and blow them up. About 50% of thetime this works.

Traitor Turrets

If you play the Imperial Academy Heist at nightand steal a TIE fighter, fly around the entirecomplex for a while and then head to the bigacademy area where the shuttle is. If you lookclosely, you can see that the turrets areflashing green. They are shooting but can'treach you. Don't get too close, they will hityou. The first time i did this the turretsaround the shuttle did fire, and the second timethey didn't. They don't fire at all sometimes,but some TIE Interceptors fired at me once too.See what fires at you.

'Wedge I'm Out of here!'

Go to Strike at the Core and select theMillennium Falcon. Once you have covered Wedge onthe surface of the Death Star and you get insidethe tunnel you can leave Wedge. Hurry and blow upthe Generator before Wedge gets inside the bigroom, and you will see the Tie Fighters chasingWedge blow up!

Easy Way To Destroy The 2 Star Destroyers In Battle Of Endor

If you're going for gold, you have to have allthree lives. If not, you need 2 lives left.Destroy the 2 shield generators on top and thereactor core on the bottom of one of the StarDestroyers. Go to the second Star Destroyer andkamikaze into the control deck without taking anyof the shield generators out. Although this trickdoesn't work on Razor Rendevous, for some reasonthe game allows you to cheat the Star Destroyerat the cost of one life. Now take out the commanddeck of the second Star Destroyer. Since youdestroyed one already, the second one will shootyou down fast, so I reccomend a 'hit and run' toescape laser fire. If using a ship with secondaryweapons, use a couple proton torpedoes if youhave some at your disposal.

Asteroid Bonus Mission

An easy way to get through this mission with agood shot rating is to use the yellow joystick topull the falcon closer to you and then push itfarther away. This will bring a tie fighter inright behind you so that you can see it and firewithout having to fire blindly. The falcon hasan auto aiming quad turret, so just press the 'A'button when the Tie is behind you. Keep an eyeout for the asteroids and at the end of the scenemake a bee line for the backside of the stardestoyer to the rebal icon. Enjoy.

Fire 'Dummy' Torpedo

To fire a Proton Torpedo without having a lock ona ship, press the 'B' button twice the torpedowill fire straight. (Like it did before you getthe 'Homing Proton Torpedo Upgrade') This alsoworks with Concussion Missiles!

Homing Proton Torpedoes

Located in Vengeance on Kothlis After fendingoff TIEs from the transport (when the AT-ATsemerge) fly over to the destroyed ISD and lookaround where the command deck was - the the leftis a small hole - go through to find the upgradeinside then carefully (and slowly) go throughthe other side. You may lose a life trying toget out, but finish up the mission so you cankeep the upgrade.

Homing Concussion Missles

Located in Raid on Bespin When you first startthe mission, deal with the first platform asusual (take out balloon followed by TIEs) thenstart toward the second platform. You'll noticean Imperial ship fleeing the sight - destroy itand some of the gas cannisters on the nearbyplatform will explode. Where they used to belies the upgrade for the Homing ConcussionMissiles; pick it up and finish the mission asnormal.

Targeting Computer Upgrade

Located in Strike at the Core Go through themission as normal. When you enter theventilation system filled with pipes, follow itall the way through, past the two curved partsand just before you enter the open room with theCore, fly under the lower pipes to the right.Underneath one of them will be the TargetingComputer upgrade. Finish the mission as normalto keep the upgrade

Advanced Sheilds

Located in Death Star Attack To find theadvanced shield upgrade, enter Death Star Attack(first mission) and destroy the towers asnormal. When the cinema takes over (leading intothe TIE fighters) go straight in the directionit leaves you off with only veer to the left abit and you'll find the upgrade lying on theplanet's surface - dip down to get it.

More Bespin Hints

The power up for this level (advanced homingmissiles) is located on the second platform youencounter. Shoot the tanker as it is pullingaway, when it explodes it takes about half of thegas canisters with it. The power up is left onthe bare part of the platform. If the tankerleaves before you get there, you can destroy thegas tanks yourself. You can also carefully flyyour A-wing under the proper tanks, if you'redaring enough.Over the city itself, instead of searching forthe power generators at ground level, fly highabove the city and point down. Use your targetingcomputer to find the generators. Then come downon top of them, firing all the way. This willsave you from hunting forever and searching allthose dangerous trenches. You also won't need totrade to the Cloud Car, but if you do trade, youcan get a fresh A-Wing for the last part of themission. Then get those bombers!

Advanced Blasters

You can find this in the Hoth level. Fly through the level until the shield generator is destroyed. After that turn around and fly to where the shield generator was and you should see a blue pyramid. Fly to it and you will get advanced blasters.

Battle Of Endor Game

Tips For The Two Star Destroyers On Endor

Once Lando gives you the go-ahead to attack TheStar Destroyers, fly above the ties, but belowthe Star Destroyer itself (I like the left one,but it's your choice). Immeadiately start firingon the bottom shield generator once in range andhold the brake. The guns arent too bad, but youhave to hold the brake so you have enough time toblow up the shield generator. Once one isdestroyed, destroy the other destroyer'sunderside generator. Once that's done, destroythe first destroyer's top two generators (standby the control pad so your droid can repair yourship). Attack the bridge. Repeat on the otherdestroyer. Shoot down some TIEs (especially ifany are in yellow on your tageting computer, Idon't know if there are any). Protect the shipsuntil the shield is down.

Advanced Proton Torpedoes

In the Ison Corridor Amubush level, when youfirst start, turn around and fly through the bigpiece of floating wreckage. You will see a bluepyramid. Fly into it and you will recieveAdvanced Proton Torpedoes. (Make sure you flyinto the right piece of wreckage. If you don'tyou will blow up.)

A Little Help With The Star Destroyer

If you are having trouble taking out the StarDestroyer in 'Razor Rendezous', try a suicide runat the ships bridge (after taking out all 3shield generators). If you fly kamikazi styleinto the bridge, it won't count as a life lost,so you get to keep your ship in the afterlife!The power up for this level is located on the farside of the Star Destroyer. Fly there early inthe mission and shoot down the Imperial shuttlethat is heading for the docking bay. You will getthe advanced proton bomb upgrade. Pair that withthe cluster upgrade, and you've got a powerfulweapon.

Final Level Tips

During the first part of this mission, stay justbehind and above the milenium falcon and shootdown the ties as they come. Avoid the gun firefrom the surface of the death star. Once you seethe final duct into the DS, boost forward and flyover it asap.During the Second part of the mission, keep anormal speed and shoot down the ties as fast asyou can- there are only a limited number of them.The next wave of ties come as soon as you shootthe previous one down, so be quick. If you are agood shot you can knock all the ties down beforeyou pass the finish the second passage. Thismakes flying to the end much easier, since youcan take your time.On the way out, make sure you boost throughstreight aways and go normal through curves. Ifyou are on a long streight-away make sure youboost until your ship comes nearer to the screne,open your wings and boost again. This will makeyou go even faster.On your second time through with the falcon, takeout the first 2 groups of ties and just boost tothe end ASAP. If you do you'll get a great timeon the level, making the gold easier to get.

Bespin Mission Made Easy

Having problems with the gun platforms? To getthrough the mission easily, instead of trying totake out each individual gun emplacement justlook a little higher into the canopy of theplatforms. Notice the gas tanks spewing flamesto keep the platform afloat? Tap the A-button toshoot off fire-linked blasts (holding it downengages the weaker rapid fire), and aim rightonto those gas tanks. Within six or seven wellplaced shots the platform will go down in flames,and you'll have credit for all the guns as kills.

Spread Photon Bombs

On the Imperial Academy Heist Mission, afterreaching the Academy Base go through the far lefttunnel building to recieve the Spread PhotonBombs. These bombs will seriously help to get theGold Medal for the Prison of The Maw Mission.

Extra Life

If you kill yourself moments before a sceneplays, you will start the next part with fullshields and no loss of life. Timing iseverything!

Advanced Proton Upgrade In Razor Rendezvous

Fly to far side of the Star Destoryer at thebegining of the mission to intercept an imperialshuttle before it reaches the docking bay. Whenyou destory it you'll get advanced proton bomb.The upgrade increases the power of the Y-wingsbombs.

Reveal C-3PO & R2-D2 On Tatooine

Battle Of Endor Game Cheats

When playing the Tatooine training level at dusk, you can find our favorite droids hiding in some strange places. If you destroy Jabba's palace, C-3PO is the onlysurvivor. Fly close enough to him and he moans that 'We're all doomed!' Destroy one of the sandcrawlers, and R2 is left. He will give you a few beeps for your trouble.Note: Just a fun tidbit, doesn't help game play at all.

Battle Of Endor

Having trouble with those ties in the begining?When you start the level dive until you see theempirial fleet and fly towards them. When youcan send your wingman to attack the ties and gofor the middle group. Using your targetingcomputer snipe the lead interceptor and headthrough the formation at top speed. Without theleader the other ties go after the nearest enemy(i.e. you!) when trying to turn to follow youthey will crash into each other.

Buy Missions

You can buy missions for 30 points each. Theyare available over the Battle of Hoth, Death StarAttack and Strike at the Core missions. You canpull out your memory card before using the pointsto kepp your 30 points


Successfully complete all ten main missions to unlock a documentary feature.

Director's Commentary

Win a total of ten medals of any type in the main missions to unlock a director'scommentary feature.

Naboo Starfighter

Successfully complete the Tatooine Training mission (all objectives, all normaland bonus items) in the morning, afternoon, evening, and night versions to unlockthe Naboo Starfighter.

Ace Mode

Get a gold medal on all fifteen missions and successfully complete all objectiveson Tatooine to unlock ace mode.


Darth Vader's TIE Advanced X1

Get a gold medal on all fifteen missions to unlock Darth Vader's TIE Advanced X1.

Millenium Falcon

Get a bronze medal on at least ten missions to unlock the Millenium Falcon.

Slave I

Enter 'PZ?APBSY' as a passcode. R2D2 will not beep for this passcode. Return tothe passcode screen and enter 'IRONSHIP' as a second passcode. If you entered thecode correctly, R2D2 will beep. Alternately, win a total of ten silver medals inthe main missions to unlock the Slave I.

Battle Of Endor Legends

Triumph Of The Empire Level

Enter 'AZTBOHII' as a passcode. R2D2 will not beep for this passcode. Return tothe passcode screen and enter 'OUTCAST!' as a second passcode. If you entered thecode correctly, R2D2 will beep.

Infinant Lives

enter 'JPVI?IJC' as a passcode. R2 wont beep. Then Enter 'RSBFNRL' as a passcode. R2 will beep if you put it in correctly.

Millennium Falcon

Enter 'MVPQIU?A' as a passcode. R2D2 will not beep for this passcode. Return tothe passcode screen and enter 'OH!BUDDY' as a second passcode. If you entered thecode correctly, R2D2 will beep. Alternately, win a total of ten bronze medals inthe main missions to unlock the Millennium Falcon.

Unlock All 10 Main Levels, Unlock Death Star Escape, Unlock Milenium Falcon

To unlock these things listed below enter the first code (R-2D-2 wont beep this time) then enter the second code (R-2D-2 will beep after you enter the second code). To unlock all 10 main levels enter !??QWTTJ, then enter CLASSIC. To unlock Death Star escape enter PYST?OOO, then DUCKSHOT. To unlock the Millenium Falcon enter MVPQIU?A, then OH!BUDDY.

Boba I Am Your Father...

This code is very cool in the fact that you getto fly Jango Fett's version of Slave 1. Now inorder for this code to work is that Boba'sversion MUST BE AVAILABLE. Unlike the other codeson ROGUE LEADER there are three words to thiscode. First enter VV?GXRYP, second enterCNOOQZR, and then enter JFETTSHP. By now R2-D2should beep and in the hanger Boba's ship shouldnow be blue. ENJOY!

Buick Convertible

!ZUVIEL!, then !BENZIN! - Buick Convertible. Thisunlocks the Buick Convertible and makes itimmediately available in the hangar, replacing thesecond A-Wing, in all your games. This is theonly code that deactivates when you shut off the game.

Ace Mode

U!?!VWZC, then GIVEITUP - Unlocks Ace Mode inSpecial Features.

Endurance Mission

First type ?WCYBRTC R2-D2 will not beep for thisthen type ??MBC??? and you will unlock Endurance.

TIE X1 Advanced

Type in NYM!UUOK at the passcodes screen, it'lldisappear. Then type in BLKHLMT! R2D2 shouldbeeep and you should have a neww TIE X1. It canbe found in the small room next to the MilleniumFalcon

Imperial Shuttle

Enter 'AJHH!?JY' as a passcode. R2D2 will not beep for this passcode. Return tothe passcode screen and enter 'BUSTOUR' as a second passcode. If you entered thecode correctly, R2D2 will beep.

Revenge On Yavin Level

Enter 'OGGRWPDG' as a passcode. R2D2 will not beep for this passcode. Return tothe passcode screen and enter 'EEKEEK!' as a second passcode. If you entered thecode correctly, R2D2 will beep.

The REAL Code For The Asteroid Bonus Mission

Go to passcodes and type 'tvlybbxl'. R2 won'tbeep. Now type 'nowar!!!'. R2 will beep andyou will have the asteroid mission for free.This can really help when coupled with the codefor the first bonus mission if you are trying tosave your points for the bonus missions aboveStrike at the Core.

All Tech Upgrades

Enter 'AYZB!RCL' as a passcode. R2D2 will not beep for this passcode. Return tothe passcode screen and enter 'WRKFORIT' as a second passcode. If you entered thecode correctly, R2D2 will beep.

Unlock Naboo Starfighter

Type in the code : CDYXF!?Q - Then type in the code : ASEPONE!

Unlock Tie Fighter

Enter ' ZT?!RGBA' as a passcode. R2D2 will not beep for this passcode. Return tothe passcode screen and enter 'DISPSBLE' as a second passcode. If you entered thecode correctly, R2D2 will beep. Now the Tie Fighter will be available.

Unlock First Bonus Mission

Enter ' PYST?OOO' as a passcode. R2D2 will not beep for this passcode. Return tothe passcode screen and enter 'DUCKSHOT' as a second passcode. If you entered thecode correctly, R2D2 will beep. Now the first Bonus Mission will be available.

Unlock All Normal Levels

Enter ' !??QWTTJ' as a passcode. R2D2 will not beep for this passcode. Return tothe passcode screen and enter 'CLASSIC' as a second passcode. If you entered thecode correctly, R2D2 will beep. Now all levels will be unlocked, excluding BonusMissions. (Submitted by Spazdude)

View Credits

Enter '?INSIDER' as a passcode.

Art Gallery

Battle Of Endor Vr

Type in 'BLAHBLAH' to toggle an In-game audiocommentary by the creators.

The Battle Of Endor

Music Test

Enter 'COMPOSER' for a music test in the 'Special Features' section.

Monochrome Graphics

Battle Of Endor Space

We have no unlockables for Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no easter eggs for Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

Slave 1 Glitch On Endurance

On the Death Star Endurance level, if playing asthe Slave 1, your ship will freeze until you fireyour lazer cannon or secondary weapon, or try tomove. When you do either of these things, youwill barely move forward, and will explode! Ithought this was pretty funny.

Created by: DarkZero89.Read the full guide...

Created by: Gamecube guru.Read the full guide...