Candy Crush Saga Game Cheats Level 77

Our Candy Crush cheats include tips to help you beat any level. Find answers for all 1000+ levels, from the original Candy Crush Saga to the sequels – Candy Crush Soda and Candy Crush Jelly.Basically, we eat, sleep and breathe the game and love to share our strategy. Candy Crush Level 2706 Tips or Cheats: first play near the chocolate bars to increase the space.then play at bottom to make more rotations of candies and hence make special candies and their combinations to complete the level.

With these Candy Crush Saga Cheats, Tips & Tricks, you could either skip the stage in an instant or play on the hardest level you have ever encountered without any worry of bugging your Facebook friends with game requests. Cheats of the game san andreas.

You only get five tries unless you wait for a certain amount of time to collect new lives and continue on with playing. Gta game san andreas cheats. In any device, adjusting the clock would give you full lives in an instant and continue in beating the hardest level you have ever encountered on your history of playing Candy Crush Saga.

When you are out of lives or tries, minimize your game app and adjust your device's clock. Turning off the automatic clock settings could give you access to change the clock of your gadget. Advance the time by five hours then go back to your app to instantly have full lives. Once it works, go back to your clock settings and turn the auto time adjustment back on so you could keep on doing this again and again. Adjusting the time to one day in advance would surely give you full lives and it should probably do the trick.

If your patience run out with a level that you have been playing for weeks or even months already, skipping one level instantly is possible with Just remember that you would need your Candy Crush Saga app connected to your Facebook account to continue with the cheat. Skipping a level and finishing the game without any sweat could be possible in just a day.

The website would give you a complete guide on how to skip the level instantly.

The DragonThe player can pick up any item by touching it, as well as new weapons by striking them with his current one. Laios, the dragon-king;. Symplegades, the wizard-king;. Rastan arcade machine. The Hydra, a five-headed snake-like monster;. King Slay, a demonic winged sword-master;.

Doing this trick on a phone or other device or even in the computer would do the trick.

To do this on a mobile device, minimize the app while you're on the level that has been giving you a hard time before going and clicking 'Click To Skip Current Level.' Gold rush pc game.

The website would detect your app and will make it stop.

Open the newly downloaded app and let it do the rest.

For more of this Candy Crush Saga Cheats, visit their website to know more about the process of this cheat.

Game cheats star wars battlefront 2 ps2. Even though you have a limited choice for each map, try to choose a team that has a better hero or villain. Also, some heroes are better than others. Instead of running around the map randomly trying to kill anyone you see, find a group of opponents, then activate lightsaber lock to block all their shots as you Force Run at them and then unleash a deadly combo while you are in their midst.

For more info and news about Candy Crush Saga Cheats and more news about games, tech and more, keep on tuning here on Also, if you have some comments about the game, feel free to comment on the box provided below. Don't forget to tweet and share the article on your wall.

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Advanced Tactics for Candy Crush

by Adrian Gardner
Elsewhere on this site you'll find the basics for making specials / combos.


Candy Crush Saga Game Cheats Level 770

These are much more complex tips for Candy Crush Saga and may not make sense otherwise!!!!

By far the most powerful special is the Colour Bomb - on it's own it can 'simplify' the board (making creating further colour bombs possible!) .. swapped with a stripe it can do lots of damage (but gives relatively few points) and with a wrap it can score lots of points (but does less damage).
As such, these tips cover creating colour bombs from less obvious boards but many of the techniques can also help make wraps, and stripes etc..

Candy Crush Saga Game Cheats Level 77

(Let's call it:) The 'Snake':

Here you have most of a line of 5 green, just one end (let's call it the head!) is out of place .. making any combination that moves the head down just one place will work, but moving the red down ..

.. will drop the blue above it down, making a line of three blues ..
.. which will, in turn, drop the green 'head' into it's required place ..

.. so that you can make a colour bomb with your next move!
Note: It's this sort of combo-move that you need to be really good at this game .. ie where one move by you does lots of things, scores lots of points, eats lots of jelly (etc etc) .. AND either results in a special or (as in this case) sets one up!
ALSO note that when you do bring the green down to make the special (colour bomb) it will also self-destruct because the green stripe will detonate and (being horizontal) will hit the 'new' colour bomb!

The Less Obvious Drop ..

Most people realise that you can set up for a (in this example, red) colour bomb by dropping the missing 'middle' piece down, for example by making the 3x blue (below) the red will fall just right to make the red bomb in the forth column (ie just above the existing bomb)..

but sometimes a less obvious approach is to drop the 4 candies downto the missing piece ..

In the above picture, if you make the set of three purples in the centre column the 4 blues higher up the centre column will drop down so the 'gap' (here, the orange) ends up next to the needed middle piece ..

Note that in this particular example you could (by luck!) have also got a second colour bomb if the highlighted red (above) had happened to have been a purple - but this is not as unlikely as you may think: there are only 5 colours on this level, so that's a 20% chance of a purple falling into the correct place AND another 20% chance of one falling directly above the highlighted red (plus smaller probabilities of other combinations which, ultimately, could have allowed another colour bomb to be created). Again playing the probabilities is all part of becoming an expert at this game!

The 'M'

Again, most people will recognise this picture as being one move away from setting up a colour bomb ..

.. where you make the line-of-three purples which, in turn, drop the three blues down to make the right-hand half of your potential blue colour bomb.
However, a less obvious, but just as useful position is the 'M' shape ..

Here, you can do a similar thing and drop the middle three down .. in this case by making the green 3x at the bottom .. giving you ..

The Vertical Drop

.. using the colour bomb on the green will eliminate all the greens on the board and (since the most recent changes in the way the game works) will see the five reds in the centre column of the picture 'fall' down together to form a vertical line of 5 reds and, therefore, create a new colour bomb!

The Horizontal Drop

This is a more complicated pattern to spot, especially on boards with lots of colours .. but if you look at this picture ..

Candy Crush Saga Game Cheats Level 77 Download

If you use the colour bomb on either red (above or below it) you'll remove all the reds (starred) - and therefore drop the left and right columns down .. to the following ..

.. allowing another (green) colour bomb to be created!

The Missing Link

Here we have the makings of a colour bomb, but with no easy way to find the missing blue above the gap .. but there is a blue below, but a row too far down .. however if you play the marked yellow up then the horizontal striped yellow will remove this row ..

.. leaving you able to make your colour bomb!

Candy Crush Saga Game Cheats Level 77 Game

The Less Obvious Choice

If we ignore the existing colour bomb for the moment .. one of the more obvious choices below is to make the blue stripe as highlighted ..
However if you make the less obvious move shown below, you will set up a purple colour bomb instead!

Playing the Odds

If you have the following line of 4x greens but 'missing' the centre one it's almost always worth making that centre column of 3x purples ..

.. whilst there are six colours on this board, there are actually three acceptable positions for a green to fall into - just above and just below plus a direct hit .. so that's around a 50:50 chance of you getting a colour bomb in the next move or two.
On a 4 colour level the odds rise significantly but so does the chance of some unexpected match also happening which spoils your attempt to set up the colour bomb - but it's still worth it!

Too Much Choice?

If you are lucky enough to have the following pattern ..

I'd always take the option of creating the blue colour bomb as there is a chance (see above re 'Playing the Odds'!) that the in-fill could also make the purple one! (besides, in this example by taking the blue you'll be left with a colour bomb right next to the wrapped green - lots of points!!!)

Conclusion ..

This should have shown you a number of alternative ways to view a board .. whilst a lot of the examples shown above are quite rare, quite a few are actually found just falling into place. However, even if they don't, quite often you can make one or two moves to set up one of these layouts.
And, although I've used Colour Bombs as my main theme here, a lot of the techniques will let you make other specials (such as wrapped and striped candies!).
Good Luck!