Cheat Codes For Nintendo 64 Games

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Get the latest Super Mario 64 DS cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Nintendo DS (DS). has all you need to win every game you play!

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In order to unlock Waluigi as a playablecharacter, you must have all 150 stars. AsMario, use the cannon to get to the roof and hitthe power block. Get back in the cannon and flyover to the right side of the castle. There isand invisible 2-D box hovering in the courtyardand you must hit it. If you need a guide thereis a picture on the top screen when you are atthe starting screen. After hitting it go throughthe puzzle and you will get the Waluigi key!

Getting To The Top Of The Castle

It is possible to get to the top of the castleBEFORE you get all 150 Stars. Get Mario and thenwalk out to the courtyard. Go to the very rightof the map where the ramp leads down into themoat. See where the castle makes a 90 degreeangle? That's the key. Tripple jump over to itso that you are still high in the air when youhit the wall. Then wall kick your way up to thetop.NOTE: This is EXTREMLEY hard to do so don't getfrusterated when it doesn't work.

Rabbit For Luigi

Go to the area with all the ghosts and where the door is located. Jump, then grabthe ledge. Climb it, then jump up again. There should be a green rabbit up there.

Easy Extra Lives

Go to whomps fortress and turn to your left using mario. Bust every crate in your way. (orange bricks) You will find a large red mushroom. Use it and crush every thing. It should give you 1ups during the eighth destruction. Have FUN! (crush things like parannah flowers, goombas, wood sticks, bullet bills, ect.

Freeze Time

Go up the stairs and go through the middle door go where theclock is. Jump to the clock and when it says 12 go in everythingwill freeze!

Another Secret Star

When you walk into the castle, go into the door on the far right with a number 3 on it. Go inside and you should be in a room with a jellyfish painting. Turn to your right and then jump into the hole.

Top Of The Castle

When you collect all 150 power stars the littlecage outside of the castle will become andcannon and will launch you to the top of thecastle and you can gain access to 3 1-ups and ared box.

Character's Stats

When you defeat Bowser #1, go to the main hall.There will be a light pointing on the round mat.Go in that light and look up. You will be takento a secret level. Fly a little down and youshould see a peice of land. Go down to it andthe ? switch will be there. Step on it and allthe ? blocks will become solid.Note: It will be better to do this with mario.

Princess Toadstools Secret Slide

Enter the room where all the characters andtheir doors are and there are 2 stainglasswindows. Jump into the one on the right and rundown the slide. At the end of the slide their isa box. Break it open and there is a star inside.

Through The Jet Stream Star

Enter the Jolly Roger Bay level with Wario. Onceyou do that go to the cave at the end of thelevel, after that there is a red box at theopening of the cave. Get it and there is a PowerFlower inside. Now you can walk underwater. Sowalk out of the cave and at the bottom of thehole there is a star that you can now grab.NOTE: If you already have Wario there is aWario cap in the cave so you don't have to havehim when you enter the cave.

Make Mother Penguin Mad

In Cool, Cool Mountain, return the baby penguinback to her mother. Once you've returned it,take the baby away then the mother penguin willbe mad.

Luigi's Hat, But No Luigi

This is more of a fact than a hint but if you goto the stage Big Boo's Haunt and do the level BigBoo's Balconey and you run around the castle tothe left you will find a door. Go in the door youwill see 2 Boos one will be plain so knock it outfirst or it will interfere with taking the hat,after you knock out the plain boo knock out theone with the hat take the hat and become Luigi!But if you hold the jump button he will startswinging his legs but that won't help you jump.The sounds are different from the real Luigi, butwho cares?

Make Toad Wear Your Cap

To do this, lose your cap in any level where youcan lose it, then leave the level without thecap. After that get any star and then go back tothe main hall. Toad will be wearing your cap. Hewill say that he found it. This is an easier wayof getting your hat back.

Use Red Blocks

Once you have 10 stars, go to the main room ofthe castle and you will see sunlight coming downfrom the ceiling. Stand where the sunlight isand look straight up. You will go into the BigSwitch level where you'll have to collect 8 redcoins by using Mario's wing cap. Remember to hitthe big red switch, that way you can use the redblocks now. To do this, you must play as Mario.

Unlock Wario

To unlock Wario, you must play as Luigi. Go tothe mirror room and you will see Power Flowers.Use them to make him invisible then go throughthe mirror. In the reflection, you will seeWario's Painting, then go in it. On the touchscreen, go to where the red X is. Where the X isgo in the hole and fight Chief Chilly. He is thestrongest Ice Bully. Push him in the frozenwater three times to kill him and to get the keyto Wario's room.

Star Bonus

Obtain all 150 stars and go outside the castle. Climb inside the cannon openingthat is now located where the grating was near the Fish Pond. Aim to land ontothe roof, to get three lives and a red block for flying Mario.


It's best for you to practice this in the bridge to the door of the castle. First, run and the, press R+B REALLY QUICK.

Easy Way To Get All Glowing Rabbits

If you're trying to get all the glowing rabbits, go outside (as Yoshi) and you will see three rabbits. One of the rabbits is glowing. Catch it then go back in and come back out. You will see another glowing rabbit! Keep doing this and you have all the glowing rabbits and another star!

Heart Attack Thorugh The Wall

This cheat will almost work every time. First go to the entrance of the king bomomb's mountain. Then go past the two big bombs and to the cannon near the first goomba you see going up the mountian. Just like the heaven cheat aim at the bottom of the island except aimin the point top right on the bottom. After that shoot and it should look like that character is having a hart attack or like a horse with no movement galloping and then go through the wall.

Speedy Takeoff

To have a speedy takeoff hold Y for about 5 seconds and go forward.

Easy Castle Star

NEED LUIGI! Go into the mirror room and get a power flower once you turn invisible go through the mirror and go through the door you came in by. There will be a white room with a star in the middle.

How To Get Wario

1. Go through the first door you see on the second floor
2. Go up the stairs and into the door with red carpeting
3. Next you get the power flower and got through the mirror and jump into the picture with wario
4. Beat the boss and you get wario =].

Infinite Coins (Action Replay)

If you have a character that has a little bit of health [in the castle only] just change to a different person and your health will come back.

Get 10-15 Lives In Very Quickly

Go to the 'HAZY MAZE CAVE' and then to the 'TOXIC MAZE' Make sure you do this asWARIO (mostly because its way easier)
Once your at the TOXIC MAZE (enter from the HAZY mAZE) then run straight forwardtoward the red question mark box and turn into metal wario. Then turn around andrun past the two MOLES. Turn left and then left again and crush the orange box,revealing a red mushroom. (you have to do the next steps very quickly) then takethe red mushroom and (turning you HUGE) run back to the moles and run in a circlehitting them both over and over again. You should see numbers going up to sevenand then 1UP signs! After you pass seven, the more moles you hit the more livesyou get! I have 60 lives right now, and I didn't even try to get them!

Cheat Codes For Nintendo Ds

Beat Eye-to-eye In The Secret Room

Use Luigi, go to Big Boos cage, and go upstairsto the farthest right door. Look up, and you willsee a ledge hit the? Box. Then Triple jump up tothe ledge and run over to the ghost picture andrun through it. Then kill the ghost. Then circlethe eye, and he will go dizzy , then grab the star.

Beat The Bomb King

When you get to the Bomb King as Yoshi and thebomb king throws the little bombs, shoot your tongout quick at the little bombs then shoot them atthe King bomb three times.

Keep Your Health!

When you are falling from a distance up, Pressthe R button (but close to the ground, or it wontwork). You wont loose any health or die!

Lost Caps

If you go to a course and you loose your cap,just don't worry. If you do loose it, you canalways go back to the level and get it again. Butwhen they do loose there caps, they look silly!

Boo's Red Coins

Once you get Mario, go the place with the Boo's.Kill them all(they should be holding a red coin,if they don't go from star to star until theydrop red coins) while collecting the red coinsand a star will pop out. You now need to getevery other star and you will get 150 starswithout cheating. Note that you NEED to do thisor you will stay at 149.

Toad's Star

Try to talk with all the Toads in the wholecastle, some of them must give you a star.

Run Faster

To run faster you use the pen to drag eitherYoshi, Mario, Wario, or Luigi.

Easy Secret Star

Go to the mirror room in the top tower. You mustbe Luigi for this to work. Once inside, you willsee power flowers. Grab one and you will be ableto walk through the mirror. Walk through it and,WITH YOUR REFLECTION, go into the door at theend. Make sure it is the Luigi that is not solid.Once inside this door, you will be in a whiteblank space. in the middle, there will be a starin the middle. Grab it and you will have it. Makesure to save!

Slide Kick

To slide kick, you hold down the L button andpress the A button.

Secret Slide In Tall Tall Mountoun

Go all the way up the mountain until you see the cloud thatblows your hat off. Go past the cloud and try not to fall of theside. Once past the cloud, follow the trail of coins that lead intothe cloud. You should be able to jump into the wall. Oh yeah,and once in the wall, follow the slide until you see a trail offwood to your left and make a sharp turn

Short-cut In Leathal Lava Land

Go into the picture of Leathal lava land and go strait. Then go tothe left and the left again over the closing bridge. Make theeyeball dizzy and go into the pit the coin goes in. You shouldgo to the island with the ? box on it.

Golden Keys

In order to get golden keys you must catch thewandering rabbits.

Unlimited Coins

Go to Whomp's Fortress and find a cement guy. Make him fall and a coin will pop up, then keep on doing it.

Make Yoshi, Luigi, and Wario Fly

When you first turn on your game Choose V.S. ModePractice by yourself. You should start out asYoshi. Click the level of either Sunshine Isles orBattle Fort. Whoever you want to see fly get theirhat (or if you want Yoshi to Fly You don't need Ahat). On Battle Fort go to the Corner with theYellow Box and on Sunshine isles go on one of thesmall islands astray. Grab The Feather and Fly away!!!

Unlock Mario

You must have at least 8 stars. Go into Peach'sRec Room(not from the menu) and jump in the Mariopainting. Look at the map and try to find thebiggest tree stump. Go there, and you see a giantgoomba. You beat him by running around until youbehind him, then spiting a regular goomba at him.Do this two more times, and he'll die and you'llget a key Mario is now unlocked.

Slipping On Lava

This cheat is really hard so listen carefully.Recommended Character: Mario In the 'Bowser inthe Fire Sea' level, near at the end you willsee platforms going under the lava. At thethird last platform do triple jump and press Aand A again. If you do this successfully, Mariowill slip on the lava and land on a platform.If this doesnt work, remember, this is VERY hard.

Second Star From The Secret Slide

Enter the castle and go upstairs to the room onthe right. Once inside you go in to PrincessToadstool's secret slide. To get the secondstar, make it to the end of slide at 21 secondsor less. The star will pop up in front of you.

Luigi's Super Backflip

Luigi's Backflip is 20 times better than anybodyelses try it. Press R than press B than Wammo! youcan spin about 20 ft. (In The Game)

Knowing How Many Glowing Rabbits Are Left

To do this you need to catch 1 glowing rabbit. Go to the room where you can trade rooms go to the room with no letters on it go to it should say something like the rabbits stole the key you have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 rabbits left.

Yoshi's Rabbits

Three are in the courtyard near the bridge. Suckthem in your mouth and they'll come out and giveyou the key.

Alternate Voices

If you start out as Luigi, and find a Wario cap,Wario will still make Luigi's noises when hepunches, jumps, or gets hurt.

Stop The Clock

After defeating Bowser 2, go upstairs and useMario. Hold down B and when the big hand reaches12, run foward as Mario says 'YeeHaw!' and whenyou enter the level, the clock stopped.

Cheat Codes For Nintendo 64 Games For Sale

Make Bowser Mad

After you find all 150 stars, go to the finalBowser and beat him. He will say something likethis,'What!? 150 stars, I must have missed some!

Star In The Mirror

While you are Luigi, go upstairs and go in theroom with the giant mirror then get the PowerFlower. After you do that, go in the mirror and goin the mirror door and you will be in acompletely white room with a star. NOTE: (This onlyworks with Luigi).

Castle Moat Disapear

Use any character and enter the castle. When youare there go foward and go left or right. Thereis one brown door on either side of the stairs.Once go through one go foward and turn around tothe hallway going down. Enter the door at theend of the hallway(you will need the key frombowser #1 to go through the door)When you arethere go down the stairs and through the bluehallway and enter the door. Run and take as manyright turns as possible. Enter through the door.There is a hole so jump in it. There will be ahallway filled with water so swim through ituntil you get to 2 collums, if you ground poundthem both water will be drained in many places.

Luigi's Special Star

In the miror room were you unlock wario with luigiinstead of jumping in his picture run into themiddle miror and all the way to the door in thevery back. You should come into a white areawith a power star hovering in the middle of it toleave the white room just go back through thedoor and out of the miror.

Shortcuts To Tiny Huge Island

The shortcut to Tiny Island is to your left andthe shortcut to Huge Island is to your right. Ifyou can't tell, try looking at the size of thehallway as you get closer. When going to TinyIsland, the painting is smaller and it takes afew steps to get to it and going to Huge Islandthe painting seems so far away and so big andtakes more steps to the painting. The paintingin the middle isn't real.

Invisible Levels

There are two invisible doors. The first one isby Lethal Lava Land an turn to your left and youwill notice a blank wall. Go through it and youwill be in Shifting Sand Land. The second one islocated inn the mirror room. Turn to your leftto notice a blank wall. Look in the mirror tonotice a level. Go though the blank wall and youwill be in Snowman's Land.

Secret Life

Go to the Tiny-Huge Island hallway. (Note: thisdoesn't work with Yoshi.) Jump into the tinypainting (it doesn't matter which star you pick).Get rid of the tiny goomba next to where youstart. Now walk around the tiny piece of landwhere you started until some butterflies come out.Punch one of them and you'll get a 1-up mushroom.

Star In Oblivion

Play as Luigi. Go to the mirror room and get thepower flower. Walk through the mirror and gothrough the reflection of the door you came in.There will be a star there.

Easier Way To Reach Bowser #1

Once you've hit the red switch, you will see ared block at the begining of first Bowser level.As Mario, hit it and you'll become BalloonMario. As Balloon Mario, keep tapping the Bbutton to go up. As you get closer, find a spotto land before you go back to normal.

E. Gadd Reference

When you talk to the mother penguin in Cool,Cool Mountain, she will say Egad! My baby!! Haveyou seen my baby??? So her baby has the samename as the scientist in Luigi's Mansion.

Easier Way To Beat Bowser

When you grab Bowser by the tail and you swinghim around, throw him at the spiked bombs. Aneasier way is to look at the touch screen to seethe bombs. Let go when you think it will hit.

Super Mario Bros. Appearance

In Luigi's mini game Super Mario Slot, the design on it is from the original Super Mario Bros.

Easy Mini Game: She Loves Me

When you see the Flower on the touch screen andit has an odd number of flower pedals, you'llknow if you are going to win.


Easy Way To Play Psyche Out

When you see the back of the card, lookcarefully, and you can sort of see what's on theother side of it.

Hotel Delfino Music

In Luigi's mini games, the background music isthe same music from Super Mario Sunshine in theCasino level.

Secret Grandfather Clock Level

In some part of the game you will see a hugegrandfather clock. To do the course the rightway, run into the face of the clock when themoving handle is away from where you are runningthen you can try to get the stars in there. (Redcoins are basicly in one place so go ahead).

Using Koopa Shells Underwater

In levels like Jolly Roger Bay or Dire, DireDocks, you will find clams with Koopa shells inthem. To use them, grab them by pressing the Abutton. You would use them by not standing onthem but by grabbing on to them. They allow youto swim faster. But when you go to surface, youwill lose them or if you hit a wall or anobstacle.

Easy Health Replenish

If you are low on health, just find a body ofwater and jump in. Go under water then go up tothe surface and you health meter will refill.

Collect 100 Coins

For every course collect 100 coins and you willget a gold star. There is only one gold star forevery course you collect the 100 coins.

Easier Way To Draw Mario Or Yoshi

On the title screen, touch the touch screen todraw a picture. When drawing a picture press theR button for a picture of Mario or Yoshi thatyou can easily trace or on the title screen whenyou see a Characters face, press the B button totrace the position they are in.

Really Big Penguin Race

After collecting 150 stars, go to Cool, CoolMountain, then go to Big Penguin Race. When yousee the penguin, he will be bigger.

Wing Cap And Big Red Switch Level

Once you have 10 stars, go to the main room ofthe castle and you will see sunlight coming downfrom the ceiling. Stand where the sunlight isand look straight up. You will go into the BigSwitch level where you'll have to collect 8 redcoins by using Mario's wing cap. Remember to hitthe big red switch, that way you can use the redblocks now. To do this, you must play as Mario.

Secret Level In The Boo's Courtyard

When you enter the Boo's Courtyard, go to thewall on the right. You will see some orangeblocks smash them and one of them has a secrethole under it. In the level, you will have tocollect 5 silver stars.

Music From Super Mario Sunshine

Go into the painting that looks like a tropicalparadise in the Rec Room. In the level, themusic you hear is the same music from DelfinoPlaza. Also try playing one of Mario's minigames. They are the same music in the secretlevels in Super Mario Sunshine.

Unlock Mario

To unlock Mario, go to through the door thatrequires 8 stars in the Rec Room. Then go intothe Mario Painting. On the touch screen, go towhere the red X is. Where the X is, there is ahole. Go in the hole and you will fight Goomboss.(the Goomba King from Paper Mario) Defeat him bythrowing the smaller goombas at him. After threehits, he should be dead. After that, you willget the key to Mario's room.

Unlock Luigi

To unlock Luigi, go to Big Boo's Haunt. Inside,go upstairs and go through the door on the farright. Look up and you will see a hidden ledge.Grab the Power Flower as Mario and float up toit. Go through the door and you'll notice aLuigi Painting. Go into the painting. When youare in there, you will hear the laughter of theBig Boo. There are four doors in each room andonly one of them is the real door and threeothers are fake. If you go through a fake dooryou will have to start from the begining. Followthe sound of the laughter in order to reach him.When you reach him, you will end up in a mirrorroom. Defeat him by looking in the reflection ofthe mirror because that's the only way you cansee him. After you beat him, you will get thekey to Luigi's room.

Glowing Rabbits

There are seven glowing rabbits that randomly replace each of the character'smini-game rabbits. Once you catch all seven, you will receive a key that unlocksthe white door to the right of Wario's. You will receive a Star. In order to findthe glowing rabbits, you must first find all the regular rabbits for eachcharacter. The location of the glowing rabbits is as follows:

All 120 Course Stars (Action Replay)

120960E4 0000FFFF
220960E6 000000FF.

All Mini Games In Rec Room (Action Replay)

Enter this code

Infinite Lives (action Replay)

Enter this code:

Cheat Codes For Nintendo 64 Games Online

Unlock Mario

Go up the stairs in the main area turn right gothrough the door keep going straight then go tothe door with the number 8 (If you have 8 stars)from there go in the picture of Mario.


Go to the haunted mansion and go to the picturewith Luigi.

Square Yoshi Eggs

As Yoshi, go to any level with the small crates.Put it in your mouth then swallow it by pressingthe R button, then you should have square Yoshieggs.

We have no glitches for Super Mario 64 DS yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

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Nintendo Cheat Code 64

Created by: Speed God.Read the full guide...

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Created by: Shadow Of Luigi.Read the full guide...

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