How To Play 2048 Game Cheat

In 2048, you combine like-numbered tiles numbered with powers of two until you get a tile with the value of 2048.

Gameplay consists of swiping the tiles up, right, down and left, and any tiles that match in the direction and adjacent spot will combine in the direction swiped. 2048 is a strategy game similar to Threes! The starting board looks like this:

The main cheat/strategy for 2048 Game is to keep the highest tile in the corner and do not move it. And then play with only 2 (or 3 sometimes) arrow keys and move the other higher tiles towards the same corner. If you follow this 2048 game hack then there is 80% chance to achieve the 2048 tile. How to play: Use your arrow keys to move the tiles. When two identical tiles touch, they merge and become the next level of tile. Get a tile to the eleventh level ('2048') to win. Hit '=' to preview the tiles. Move a tile to continue.

The game is deceptively simple as the basic mechanics are just moving tiles around, but underneath it is a complex and strategic puzzle game.

While it is fun to play, winning is even better. If you want to win the 2048 game, you need a strategy. The strategy described below is just one option and it works very well. Employing these tactics will help you win and allow you to get further even when the random nature of the game works against you.

This 2048 game strategy can be broken down into a few key elements:

  1. Use only two directions (as much as possible)
  2. Never move your tiles up
  3. Keep your tiles tidy
  4. Focus on your goal
  5. Aggressively combine downward and horizontally as needed

I go into detail into these processes below, and include some nifty tips to push your game even further.

Use only two directions (as much as possible)

The tiles can be moved in 4 directions. They are up, right, down and left. You can move your tiles down and left with essentially no risk. This will keep the tiles in the lower left of the screen.

You should then save moving your tiles right to accomplish specific goals such as combing tiles so that they can then be moved down. It’s not that you can’t move your tiles to the right, it just leads to a few issues such as trapping a tile on the left side. Try to make sure you have your bottom row full before moving to the right. I cover trapped tiles issues below.

Never move your tiles up!

You should avoid moving your tiles up at all costs. Moving your tiles up when you do not absolutely have to will cause endless headaches. Sometimes you have to, but if you have any other move, take it!

Keep your tiles tidy

Keeping your tiles to the lower left is not the only element. You should also avoid having your highest tiles to the bottom left. This means you should not have a board like this:

The 128 to the lower left will cause problems. If that tile is 32 or less it is an easy fix, and this is sometimes unavoidable. Tiles out of place like this (64 and above) will cause major issues.

The board below is much more tidy. The 2 that is to the left is not trapped because tiles can be dropped on it and the tiles to the right are fairly low value (32 or less):

The biggest problem is when you have tiles out of sync or in two equal piles that are far away from each other like in the image below. Tiles on opposite sides of another tile are nearly impossible to get back together without luck. Avoid this at all costs using the next tip!

Focus on your goal: 2048

This tip sounds a bit vague, but make sure you take stock of the board periodically. Sometimes you will get caught up in the action of combining the tiles and you will lose the forest for the trees. You are trying to get the 2048 tile.

The image above contains an instance where most likely the two sets of 128 were combined without looking at the whole board and realizing that those two tiles need to be together or they are problematic. If you focus on the value you need to increase a tile to then you will get a better outcome.

Combine aggressively downward

If you have your tiles tidy as above then you should combine aggressively downward then tidy your tiles back up. This tip is hard to explain unless you’ve been playing a bit. Start up a game then keep this one in mind. It will help. Trust me.

Other tips

How to Beat 2048 : 4 Steps - Instructables
  • Once you have the hang of 2048,getting a 16 or 32 tile pretty much anywhere is trivial so don’t sweat it if you need one of those to get out of a bind.
  • Stranding a tile to the left of higher numbered tiles is bad, but fixable. That is unless you put another higher numbered tile on top of it. If you have a relatively full board and you trap a 2 in the lower left, then move higher tiles over it then it can be very difficult to fix. Be aware of the board and don't do this.
  • Occasionally you will have to move right and a 2 or 4 may appear to the left of your highest tile (since it should your lower left). If this happens, do everything you can to raise that tile up to the value of your highest tile. This can be really hard if it is a very high tile. If it is the 1024 then you need to raise it, but focus on moving the 1024. If it is a tile lower than 256 then you can usually fix it.
  • If you have to move your tiles up, then everything after that is damage control. It will occasionally but very rarely work in your favor.

The Payoff

If all of this strategy pays off then you get the 2048 tile and you win the game. Congrats!

For another good explanation of these rules check out this Stackexchange article:

How to play 2048 game one of the most addictive puzzle games to reach higher scores on this top entertaining puzzle game on markets of Apple, Windows and Galaxy.

2048 game is a brain teasing puzzle game. I love playing this wonderful game.Puzzle game 2048 is so loved by players of all ages so that you can download 2048 game app from any smartphone marketplace for free and start playing yourself or encourage your children to play this puzzle game.

2048 Cheat Mode

Download 2048 puzzle game from Windows Phone Store
Download 2048 puzzle game from Google Play
Download 2048 puzzle game from AppStore

The aim of the 2048 game player is to reach high scores by joining tiles with same numbers on them to end up with higher numbers.

For example, in 2048 game players can join tiles with 2 and 2 on them which makes a tile with 4 on it.Or as a second example, you can join tile with 16 on it with an other similar tile carrying 16 for a resulting tile of 32.

If the player of this addictive puzzle game can reach 2048 marked tile, he or she wins in the 2048 game.So players must merge two tiles with 1024 on them to beat 2048 game and win.I am sure about that because of my playing 2048 game experience for the last month, no player who can reach 2048 will not stop playing 2048.The game continues event after 2048 tile is formed. You can test your puzzle solving brain in this marvellous game by going as far as you can.

Rules of 2048 Puzzle Game

The basic rules of the game 2048 is very simple.

1) 2048 puzzle game is played on a board of 4x4 square game board.Although there are now many variations of the 2048 game board like 5x5, 6x6, etc the original 2048 game is shipped with a 4x4 16 squares board.

2) When the played swipes the tiles, if possible all tiles on the game board move as many squares ahead on the same direction of your move.

3) If two tiles with the same numbers collide, they join or merge into a single tile.And the number on the new tile is the sum or double of each colliding tile.

4) After the 2048 game player makes a move and swipe the tiles on the game board, a new tile with number 2 or 4 is placed by the computer on the game board.

5) The coordination of the new tiles which are added on the board after the player makes a move is randomly determined.If the boundaries of the board are empty, they are fist placed on a square which is on the edge of the board.


End of the Game 2048

See Full List On

The player continues playing 2048 puzzle as long as there are enough places on the board for a new tile.If all tiles are occupied by tiles which do not join with its neighours (on two direction left-to-right or top-to-bottom) the game ends for the player.

All tiles on the board are either 2 or the power of 2 like numbers 2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024 and 2048.
Of course the puzzle solver can continue after 2048 tile is created by merging two 1024 tiles.
If it possible to form tiles with numbers 4096, 8192 and 16384 too.I'm not sure but the maximum number that can be created on a 4 times 4 game board is 32768.

2048 Game Hints

Tips for 2048 Game Players

If you think 8192 is a good score to target, as seen in above screenshot from 2048 game which is my best score yet covered, you can read my strategy and tips on 2048 puzzle game.
Please read my tips for 2048 game tutorial which I hope will help 2048 players to reach higher scores.

Strategy For 2048 Game

Play 2048 Game Online using Web Browser

There is also a web variation of the 2048 game.Players can play 2048 online on the web using a web browser as well.You can use the arrow keys on your computer's keyboard instead of using gestures of your finger taps.In fact swiping on the screen of a smartphone or a tablet PC makes a wonderful gaming experience for 2048 game play.Struggling with the keyboard will possible bore the player after half an hour of game with thousands as the score.On the other hand, while playing 2048 addictive game on your smart device, you will not realize how much time you have been playing.

Please visit to play this addictive puzzle game, the web version of 2048 game on the web.