Imessage Game Cheats Word Hunt

iMessage is Apple’s built-in instant messenger. You can use iMessage to send and receive texts, photos, videos, sound, and location. You share all this stuff with anyone else using iPhone, iPad, Mac, or Apple Watch. iMessage works alongside regular SMS and MMS so that you can keep in touch with all of your friends. It is full of cool features and fun to use. Now, as a parent you might worry that your children may be misusing this fantastic app. Is there a iMessage hack tool to monitor iMessage activities? Is it really possible to track iMessage and see what your kids and teenagers are sending and receiving? If you are looking for an answer to these questions, you are in the right place! Follow me through this article as I am about to introduce you the best iMessage hack app.

In iOS 10, Apple took their stock Messages app to the next level by making tons of amazing changes to the application. If you didn’t update to the newest firmware yet, here’s a quick recap of the overhaul. A whole new marketplace for sticker packs and apps Thumbnail previews added to external links Send handwritten notes Easier option to control read receipt Text to emoji translation With. This Words with Friends Cheat was specificially designed to help at Words with friends, but we also have a Scrabble Word Finder® crossword game which is designed for the Scrabble® Crossword game. This helper takes the letters you have entered and matches them against the Words with Friends dictionary. Don't think of it as cheating, think of it as making the best use of your time to ensure.

Monitor iMessage with the best iMessage hack app

There are a number of monitoring software in the market, but few of them allows you to monitor iPhone and iMessage. So, as a wise parent you need choose a tool which offers you a handful of features and covers all your needs. If you are puzzled and you don’t exactly know which monitoring application to choose, this introduction is probably helpful for you.

iMessage monitoring is a new technology and few monitoring applications can offer an iMessage hack tool. Do you want to hack iMessage to find out who your kids or your partner are talking to on iMessage? One the best and most professional monitoring applications is Underspy. Use Underspy to have the best monitoring experience. All you need is a one time access to your target phone. Install Underspy on your target device (it will take only a few minutes). Then you won’t need the target device anymore. Login to your personal Control Panel and start remote monitoring.

Underspy is a professional monitoring software which comes with iOS tracking along with iMessage hack feature along with many other useful features. You as well can hack Skype or hack Signal for example. These features include:

  • Monitor calls and track messages
  • Track GPS location
  • Manage internet use and visited websites
  • Spy on instant messengers
  • Send remote commands

with Underspy iMessage spy app,

  • You only need one time access to start monitoring
  • It doesn’t matter if your kids delete a message after reading it (you will receive it before it is deleted)
  • No sign of spying or monitoring software appears on the target device
  • Your kids will never know they are being monitored since Underspy runs in hidden mode
  • View iMessage chat conversations
  • Access all the information directly from your Control Panel

Why would you need an iMessage hack tool

Text messages are now the cheapest way of communication. Now, iMessage takes texting above ordinary level by offering features such as photo sharing. If your kids and teenagers are iPhone users, you should probably be aware of their activities on iMessage. Like any other instant messaging app, iMessage might create dangers for your children. They might be involved in sexting. they might be bullied. Or, they might be sharing inappropriate photos and videos. All of these create the need for an iMessage hack app.

In addition, as an employer you might worry about the safety of your business and your company confidential data. You may want to use a iMessage hack to monitor employees. This way, you can not only protect your business, but also you can make sure your employees don’t spend their valuable working hours chatting on iMessage.

Also, there is no doubt that relationships must be based on trust, but sometimes doubts may affect the quality of your relationship with your spouse. As people may do most of their communications through iMessage, accessing their account can reveal many things about them. In this case a spy tool can help partners to put an end to all their doubts.

Cheating on my wife with OpenCV

By Vedran Budimcic

We recently hosted a Gaming themed hackathon at my company. This theme fit perfectly with a recent dilemma in my life - my wife kicking my ass at the iMessage game Word Hunt. We play asynchronously throughout the day and she wins about 80% of the time.

Word Hunt is a word search game that uses a 4x4 grid of scrabble-like tiles. The objective is to get as many points as you can in 80 seconds by finding words in the tiles. One key aspect is that longer words are scored disproportionately higher than shorter words. This is important to note for later.

Here are a few examples of the many, many losses against my wife.

This hackathon was the perfect opportunity for me to build a foolproof cheating system, dominate our games, and restore order to the family.

Best imessage games

I brainstormed a few cheating methods to explore for the hackathon. The main challenge was to come up with a way of extracting the position and letter of each board tile. Once extracted, building a word search solver program was much more straightforward.

What is the best way to cheat?

Manually typing the board into a cheating program

The first idea I had was to build a web or console interface that I would manually type the generated board into when the game starts. I had seen websites like this before for cheating at Scrabble. This would take a few seconds at the beginning of each game, but since there are only 16 tiles, it's a pretty quick and simple approach.

Sniffing the packets to generate the board

Next I thought that since the board is displayed on the phone, and iMessage can work over Wifi, there must be some packets received by the phone that describe the game board. It would probably be simple enough to open Wireshark, reverse engineer the messages, and automatically dump the board into a solver program immediately when the game starts.

Using computer vision to extract the board from the game

Finally, I thought about using computer vision to extract the game board. We also already do some computer vision projects at Hookshot. Although this would be the most time consuming approach, I figured it would also be the most fun. The plan would be to write a program that uses OpenCV to read frames from my webcam, detect the game board, extract the tile positions and letters, and run a solver against the generated board. A stretch goal was to overlay the position of the next-longest solved word on the OpenCV frame. This way I could swipe the board and win the game without looking back and forth between the solver and the phone.

Building the system

I decided on the computer vision approach, because it seemed like it would be the most fun and present the best. I also wanted to explore the machine learning capabilities of OpenCV.

First I looked for other examples online detecting letters with OpenCV. I found a fantastic guide for detecting handwritten characters with OpenCV and Javascript. It relies on a really handy library called opencv4nodejs that has nodejs bindings for OpenCV and a ton of examples. Major credit to Vincent Mühler for the library and guide.

The tutorial describes using a Support Vector Machine (SVM) as a simpler alternative to the neural network. I'm a machine learning beginner, so I just followed the examples provided and tweaked the configuration to see if it could be made to work for my problem set.

Gathering training data

I started by setting up a Logitech C920 to point straight down at my table, and to played with the brightness settings on my phone and also the Logitech Camera Settings app to make the tiles stand out more. Then I took some photos of my phone during games of Word Hunt.

Imessage Games Hack

I started by manually extracting letters from various angles and lighting conditions. The goal here was to collect a small subset of the alphabet to try out the training process before spending all of the time on the complete set of letters.

This ended up being extremely time consuming. It took hours to even get 14 examples of the letters A - I. It turns out to be difficult to quickly select 30x30 pixel boxes across many images in GIMP.

How To Get Imessage Games


My images were 30x30, so I updated the cv.HOGDescriptor call from the tutorial to look like this:

Initially I had a smaller value cellSize, as I believed smaller cell size = more computation = more accuracy! But that worked terrible. My theory is that a small cell size is too 'zoomed in' for the SVM to properly understand the features of the letters. In the end, 5x5 worked well for me.

Eventually, I had the SVM built and it seemed to be mostly detecting the right letters during testing. I don't have a record of the exact success rate, but from memory it seemed about 70% accurate on my small sample of test cases. At the time, I was really relying on the idea that the failures were due to small sample size of data rather than some fundamental flaw of the system.


Since I would eventually need a way to automatically extract the tiles and their positions from the image, I realized that I could build that program sooner than later to automatically derive my training and testing sets much faster than manually cropping the tiles from the images in GIMP.

I built a tile extraction program that used OpenCV binary thresholding and Canny edge detecting to detect the tiles and extract the contents into 30x30 images automatically.

Then I built a labelling program that showed each extracted tile and prompted for a single key press to label that image.

Using this process, I was able to extract and label 3500 tiles in about an hour. I only used the first 100 images for each letter to train the SVM, as it requires the same number of samples for each letter. The letters J and Z are very rare in Word Hunt games, and my training data didn't have a single example game with either of those letters.

After some trial and error the parameters for the HOGDescriptor, the binary thresholding, and the Canary edge detection, I ended up with a 100% success rate for tile letter detection while testing about a dozen new Word Hunt games.


Now that I had a way to extract tiles in bulk and identify the letters, the next step was to build a game board solver that combined all of the pieces.

First I downloaded a scrabble dictionary JSON dump.

Then I added a sorting component to the tile extraction to properly re-create the game board based on the tile positions:

I used a trie and DFS approach based on a solution to the Wordsearch II Leetcode problem to solve the game board. Once the board is represented by a 2D array, the solver builds a trie from the dictionary.json of all the words that are less than 9 letters (the max allowed for a word in the game). Then the solver applies a DFS for the board against the trie.

Finally, the solver prints both the parsed game board (for debugging) and the first 30 longest words that were found in the game board.

The entire process looks like this:

How To Use Imessage Games


With the power of OpenCV's two decades of computer vision research in hand, I was finally able to beat my wife at Word Hunt and restore my position in the family. At the end of the day, the person with the most points wins and winning is all that matters... even if all of your points come from a few long and obscure words.