Max Payne 1 Game Cheats

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This page contains Gameshark cheat codes for Max Payne (USA). If you're playing on an emulator you can usually input codes very easily by accessing a tab off the top of the toolbar. Anyone playing on a physical Gameboy will need to purchase a physical Gameshark device to use these codes. Welcome to our collection of Max Payne, cheats, cheat codes, wallpapers and more for GBA. Visit our dedicated Max Payne message board to discuss this game with other members. Check back for more Max Payne cheats to be posted.

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Part 1: Prologue

When you reach the part that where hear 'TheFlesh Of Fallen Angels', go into the room whereyou have to fight all of the henchman, but do notgo into the circle. Run around the edges behindthe curtain and pick up all the ammunition andpainkillers. You can go to the parts that are notcovered by the curtains but do not go anywherenear the circle in the middle of the room untilyou are ready to fight.

Part 1: Chapter 1: Secret Ammunition Room

When you get past the first part of the chapterwith the men shooting the transit cop, go downthe steps to the left. Kill the man with theshotgun. Then, go down the steps to the left andkill all those men. When you are finished there,look under the benches with the lockers on them.You will see some gas tanks. Shoot the top offthem. They will explode and reveal a secret roomdown the hallway.

Part 1: Chapter 1: Kill Man With Shotgun

When you go downstairs, there will be three menwaiting; two with pistols and one with a shotgun.In order to kill them, you must kill the mainwith the shotgun first. He will take your healthdown quickly. Jump and dive down the stairs thenkill him.

Second Bloody Maze

To get to the end of the second bloody mazeeasily, follow the trail until you see the firsttrail off the to the right far below. Jump downthere and follow it right and you will see thecandle platform in the distance to the right.

Super Jump

Take out the double Berettas, then weapon selectto the baseball bat. Do not press Fire yet. Whenyou have the bat highlighted, look for a ledge.Run to the ledge and when you are about to runoff, press Fire then immediately press Jump. Iftimed correctly, you will jump higher.

Getting Down From Aser Building

Enable the 'Invincibility' and 'Level select'codes. Go to the last level and run off building.You will be able to run around and view thelandscape. Note: Do not fall down into the darkareas.

'Shut up' comment

Shoot two junkies (that sit down with their legscrossed in the white T-shirts) at the same timewith dual Ingrams or dual Berettas. You will hearMax shout 'Shut up!'.

Hear More From V-head Junkies

When you see a 'V-head junkie', which are the menthat sit or stand in one spot and say randomthings, get close to one. They will not attackunless shot at. Listen to some of the things thathe says. Listen carefully to notice that some ofhis phrases are cut off before he can finishthem. The most noticeable one is when one of themsays 'All messy inside'. Stand next to one andpress L2 to go into bullet time. Listen to whathe says. All his phrases will have more added tothem. Enable the 'Unlimited bullet time' codewhen doing this.

Max payne 1 game cheats pc

Ride Gas Tanks

There are explosive gas tanks on some levels. Ifyou find one lying down (normally used to openlocked doors), enable the 'Invincibility' codeand stand directly on top of the tank. Shoot thetip of the tank, causing it to launch across theroom, taking you along with it.

Opening Boxes

When you find boxes that are not very big orsteel, swing your baseball bat or lead pipe atit. This will open those boxes easily withoutwasting bullets.


When you see a small box in some of the chapters,shoot it. Sometimes painkillers will be inside.

Fake Death

The following can happen in two occasions in partone. When you save the police officer from beingkilled in the station and he follows you, shoothim. Though the cop may die, the game will act asif you died. The same thing happens with the manwith the junkie that can get you into theLandromat.

Part 1: Chapter 3: Hidden Ammunition

After you find Muerte's room, keep going to thewhere the bathrooms are located, at the end ofthe hall. There are two windows covered with drywall. One of them will crumble if you shoot it.After you destroy the dry wall, you can walkoutside of the hotel on a small balcony toanother 'dry wall window'. Destroy that, thenjump into the room. You will find a plethora ofMolotov Cocktails, grenades, and ammunition.

Part 1: Chapter 2: Ignored By Enemies

On the Live From The Crime Scene level, when youget the detonators, go to the door that you putthem on but do not kill the men. After you putthe detonators on the door, stand back and watchit fly. Kill the men, then walk in. Go up thestairs were the men are supposed to surprise you.They cannot see you, allowing you to shoot them.Note: Be careful about dying in the explosion onthe door.


Part 1: Chapter 2: Rats With Guns

When you start Live From The Crime Scene, throw agrenade in the hole directly in front of you.Then, keep going until you hear a bomb go off. Goup the stairs and wait, but watch the rats. Ifyou wait long enough they will pull guns out oftheir fur.

Part 1: Chapter 2: Secrets

Play Chapter 2 (Live From The Crime Scene) tofind a secret lies in the center of the bankwhere you answer the phone. The alarm will begoing off. Look up to see the alarm on theceiling. Shoot it and Max Payne will say 'Thankyou.'

Part 1: Chapter 3: Confused Driver

After you kill the two men at the start of thelevel, you will be attacked by some other enemiesthat come through the door. After you kill them,go down the stairs and out the window. Once youare outside, look to your right, off the edgetowards at the far street in the distance. Youwill notice a white car drive by. Enablethe 'Invincibility' code and jump down off theedge and onto the street. Run over to the areawhere you saw the car. When you get there, youwill see that the cars you thought were going byare actually the exact same car. It just keepsturning around and going the opposite directionevery time it hits the invisible boundary in thegame. Note: You will be unable to complete thelevel if you do this, because you cannot get backup onto the building you started from.

Baby Maze

You will have to go through a maze where you haveto find a baby. To get through this maze easily,just stick to right wall. You will end up in yourhouse. After this, you will come to another mazethat is not as difficult, but us easy to fall offof.

Secret Tutorial Room

Play the tutorial until you reach the end, whereyou can practice shooting enemies. Jump up on thebig van located there, then over to theventilation fan on the wall next to the van. Fromthe fan, jump to the stairs and climb them to thetop. Break through the window. You will find anIngram in the room.

Defeating The First Boss In The Bar

Enter the bar, and after the graphical comic, thecoward will run to the back room and leave thefighting for the woman and the other goons.Forget about the woman for now, as her aim isterrible. You should have a Molotov cocktail.There will be about three henchman on the leftside of the room. Throw the cocktail at them forthree quick kills. Then, charge at the woman witheither the dual Berettas or the Desert Eagle.Once she is dead, kill the coward using the dualBerettas. Do not use the shotgun, since you canonly fire once per bullet time dive. As soon asyou open the door, do a bullet time dive and fireat him rapidly. As soon as Max completes hisdive, do it again. Repeat this until he is dead.

Part 3: Chapter 8: Easy Completion

After chasing the woman up the stairs and shegets in the helicopter, turn to your left and goup to the wire that connects to the red-lightedstructure. Shoot it at the bottom and someenemies will attack. Shoot and kill them. Thefarthest enemy will have sniper ammunition.Return to the wire that you shot before, get thesniper gun out, press L3 to crouch, aim, andshoot at the bottom of the wire on the otherside. Then, shoot the red-lighted structure a fewtimes and it will fall over.

Part 3: Chapter 7: Easy Elevator Ride

To get up the laser-bomb elevator shaft easily,get in the elevator but do not push the button.Use the sniper rifle to aim up the shaft and takeout all the bombs before going up.

Part 3: Chapter 5: Hidden Staircase

In Woden's office, their is a room after the onethat has the blueprints. In here is a smallpicture behind the desk. Shoot the picture downto reveal a button. Press the button and thecouch in the corner will lift up, revealing astaircase. Go down the stairs open the door. Youwill be able to watch Star Trek on thetelevision. Also look in a cabinet to find otheritems.

Part 3: Chapter 4: Programmer Message

At the very start of the section are some green-blue barrels stacked up along the wall. Use themto get on the roof. Shoot at the metal shed upthere and the wall will fall off, allowing you tojump down into a room. Turn on the radio to heara secret message.

Part 3: Chapter 4: Secret Room

A secret room can be found on parking level 6.When you are starting to go down to parking level5 you will see four gray barrels, jump on top ofthem. Next, jump onto the air vent, then jump tothe roof. You should see a sort of a hut up thereto your right. Shoot the light colored part ofthe hut and it should fall down. Go inside andyou will fall through a vent in the floor. Youcan get ammunition and other items.

Part 3: Chapter 3

At the end of the section is a tower that youmust shoot off a building. Take out the wires onthe pole, then just shoot a grenade at it.

Part 3: Chapter 3: Killing All The Enemies

In the start of the section, you will hear agroup of soldiers planning to escape. You cantake them all out by using the gas tank suttingon the shelf above. Shoot the valve off the endof the tank to send it off like a rocket.

Part 3: Chapter 1: Secret Ammunition Room

There is a door which appears to go nowhere. Theroom has the big container pouring hot liquidmetal in the middle, on the first floor in thecorner is a sliding door, and some liquid metalin a pit. Use the cooled metal to jump across thepit and reach ammunition and pain killers on theother side.

Part 3: Chapter 1: Laser Grid

There is a laser grid at the very beginning ofthis area. To get past this, simply shoot whatthe laser comes out of, but stand back becausethe explosion is big.

Part 2: Chapter 5: Hidden Area

There is a crane about halfway through this levelthat you have to turn on to get past the bigcrate. You can get to a secret room by firstjumping up to the cab of the crane, then jumpingonto the door, then the roof. Jump on the arm ofthe crane, then run to the end and jump to thecrates to your left. There are some grenades andammunition located here.

Part 2: Chapter 5: Play The Theme Song

Find the room with the grand piano. Stand next tothe keys and press X. If you did not hit thepiano in the gun fight, Max will play the themesong from the game.

Part 2: Chapter 4: Easy Completion

To see the doors among the flames and darkness inthe restaurant easily, increase the brightness tothe maximum value until you are past the flamesand explosions.

Part 2: Chapter 4: Secret Intermission

You will reach a kitchen area where it is safefrom the fire. It is possible to trigger a secretintermission sequence by throwing a grenade intothe open service hatch in the wall.

Part 2: Chapter1: American Flag Boxers

After you enter the lounge with the green neonlight you will encounter three men. After youkill them, go to the bathroom. There will be aman with his pants down, wearing American flagboxers.

Part 1: Chapter 8: Ammunition On The Balcony


When you get past the room with the three men,there should be two more as you enter the room toyour right and one man across the room to yourleft. This is the room with the music. Goupstairs to where you can look down on the musicroom (you should be able to launch fireworks). Goto the right side, towards the speakers. You maywant to save the game here. Jump onto the ledgeand then towards the speaker while moving left.There is Ingram ammunition and more over there.

Part 1: Chapter 8: Play The Drums

Go up on the stage and stand behind the drum set.Press X to play the drums.

Part 1: Chapter 7: Secret Room

When you are chasing the man, go behind thesatellite dish then jump onto the ledge. Go ontothe fire escape. Make sure you do not fall. Tryto jump on the fence or the side of it withoutlosing a life, then jump down. You will see adoor. Enter to find molotov cocktails, grenades,and ammunition. Then, get out of the other doorand you will end up under the staircase where themen who were shooting at you on the roof arelocated. You can kill them quickly.

Part 1: Chapter 7: Helicopter Crash

After you jump off the train when you are chasingVinnie, make you way along the roof as usual.When you reach the last roof, a police helicopterwill appear. The location that it appears issometimes random. The people in the helicopterwill tell you to throw down your weapons. Do theopposite -- enable the 'All weapons' code andtake out the grenade launcher. Aim at thehelicopter and fire. If you hit it, thehelicopter will start to smoke and slowly makeits way off screen. You will see it start to spinout of control before it goes off screen. Youwill not see it crash or hear an explosion, andwill not affect the game's ending.

Part 1: Chapter 6: Jumping To Train

When chasing Vinnie, eventually he will jump on atrain. Max will say that he has to do the samething. Go to where the hill starts and with thecorrect timing, do the Matrix-style jump. If donecorrectly, you should land on the train.

Part 1: Chapter 6: Bathroom Message

When the level starts, go through it as usual.After you get on to the elevator and go to thenext floor, get out and go through the door. Oncethe door opens, there will be a door directly infront of you. This is a bathroom. If you walkinto the door and try to open it, the man insidewill give you a message. Back up slightly andshoot at the door. He will give you anothermessage.

Part 1: Chapter 6: Secret Room

At the very beginning where the man is whistlingwhile he goes to the bathroom, go outside of thewindow and immediately turn left. The last windowon the side where you came out of has a room witha some shotguns and ammunition.

Max Payne Video Game Walkthrough

Part 1: Chapter 6: Soldier Of Fortune II Room

After the room where the thug is in the washroomwith a lead pipe, jump out the window onto theroof of a building. Walk around on the roof for abit, shooting at windows. When one of the windows(in the top left corner) you shoot breaks, jumpin. There are posters labeled 'Soldier of FortuneII' and about three shotguns in this room.

Part 1: Chapter 6: Secrets

There are two secrets when you get to thebasketball court. Look up in the basket. There isa Beretta stuck in the net. Then, go to the chainlink fence next to the street. Wait briefly andan SUV will pass by. Shoot it, the car willscreech to a halt, and a man with a shotgun willget out and shoot at you.

Part 1: Chapter 5: Avoid Damage

When you go on the street and go past thenewspapers, you will see a van in the road. Shootit so that the alarm goes off, then hurry nearthe stairs that go down to enter the building.Stay above the stairs, and off to the side. Threemen will run out. Pick them off as they come up.This can help you avoid damage.

Part 1: Chapter 5: Secret

After the shootout in the laundry, get into theelevator and you will hear music playing. Look upand shoot the speaker. The music will stop andMax will say 'Thank you.'

Part 1: Chapter 3: Soap Opera Fan

Once the level starts, kill the man in the firstroom you see then go down the hallway until youmust take a left turn. Once you get to that turn,go slightly down the hallway until you can hearthe television that is in the little room off thehallway. Listen to the ridiculous soap opera, andafter it is done you will hear the man who waswatching ut say something that you will hearalmost every soap fan say at least once.

Beating Family Troubles

To beat the mission Family Troubles (Part 2,Chapter 4) first kill the man that is in the highcar. Then the lower part will lift, proceed.Kill all the enemies and then go around and usethe ship on the water to get across Kill thosetwo enemies. Then continue and turn. You willsee a truck. Step back and use the rocketlauncher and shoot at the truck. It will reverseand knock down the bridge. Go back around to thebridge and kill the few people that exit thetruck and cross the bridge. Go up to the door upahead, press circle at the switch ad go through.

Max Payne Mobile Cheats

Maze Dream

In the first level of part 3, the dream thingfollow the wall on the right and you will get outog the maze no matter what. (It does take awhile.)

Matrix Remake

Can't wait for The Matrix 2. Get out the doublehandguns. Hit the L2 button 'To activate bullittime' then hit Left or Right and R2 at the sametime. If done correctly it will look like KyonoReeves flying sideways in slow motion in thePolice building or what ever it is. This shouldsatisfy your craving for a little while.P.S.: They are wearing the same black trenchcoatarn't they!?!

Hidden Ingram'Uzi' in Tutorial

Play the tutorial till you reach the end, whereyou can practice shooting enemies. Jump up on thevan located there, then over to the ventilationfan on the wall next to the van. From the fan,jump to the stairs and climb them to the top.Break through the window. You will find anIngram 'Uzi'in the room.

Take A Walk Through New York

The last level takes place on a roof top. soafter the movie where you get locked out put inthe invincibility cheat ( L1 L1 L2 L2 R1 R1 R2 R2)then jump onto the side of the building and jumpcompleatly off the side. You will fall all theway to the ground then Max will get up and youwill be free to walk around the city.

Additional Difficulty Settings

Max Payne Android Cheats

Successfully complete the game on the 'Fugitive' difficulty setting to unlockthe 'Dead On Arrival' and 'The New York Minute' difficulty settings.

Unlimited Bullet Time

Pause the game and press L1, L2, R1, R2, TRIANGLE, X, X, TRIANGLE.

All Weapons And Full Ammo

Pause the game and press L1, L2, R1, R2, Triangle, Circle, X, Square.

Slow Motion Sounds

Pause the game and press L1, L2, R1, R2, Triangle, Square, X, Circle.

Full Pain Killers

If you ever find yourself without pain killers,don't worry! There is a quick and simple way toget a full supply of them. In order to do that,you need to pause the game during gameplay andpress L1, L2, R2, R1,Triangle, Circle, X ,Square. If you enter this code correctly, thenyou'll have a full supply of pain killers! Enjoy!

Weapon Change

When you are chasing Vinnie, enable the 'Allweapons' code and press Triangle. You should takeout the jackhammer when you go up the stairs andout the door. He will kick it in with thejackhammer, but shoot with the dual Berettas.

Unlock All Levels

Play the game until you have passed the first subway level. When the next level is loaded, go to the main menu and press UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN, CIRCLE. Go to the load menu and all the levels should be unlocked. When you start that level you will have the same inventory that you had when you started the first subway level.

Max Payne 1 Pc Game Cheats

We have no unlockables for Max Payne yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

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