Super Mario Cheat Game

Super Mario Land - Cheats & Tips

Cheat Codes for Super Mario 64 DS Nintendo DS. Saves & Codes; Store. Cheat Codes for Super Mario 64 DS. Hold L+R+LEFT to Play as Wario 94000df 2209cae1 00000002 d000000. Hold L+R+UP to Play as Yoshi 94000bf 2209cae1 00000003.

You can find below all the cheats and tips we have available in our database for Super Mario Land GB

Continue game play:
Hold A at the game over screen. While keeping that button held, press Start when the title screen appears.

Expert mode:
Successfully complete the game one time, then press any button at the title screen. The pointer will turn into Mario's face to confirm correct code entry. Press Start to begin game play with a higher difficulty level.

Easy mode:
Press Select at the file selection screen. Mario will shrink to confirm correct code entry. Select a file to play the game in easy mode.

Hint: World 1-3: Extra coins:
Extra coins are always useful for extra lives. Just when you start this level, continue no further. To your right, you will find some boxes in mid-air, and a column that does not come down to the floor all the way to your left. Move Mario until you are just outside of the column to the left. From there, you can jump up to reveal a box which is an elevator.


Move to the right and jump up on the boxes. This will allow you to jump on the elevator. Continue up on the elevator. When you reach the top, move right to collect coins that were previously unreachable.

After you get the coins from the pyramid (where the blocks fall on you), go back a bit until you are under the arch. Jump to hit a secret box full of coins.

Hint: World 1-3: Defeating the Boss:
Hit him with fire balls or run below him and jump on the switch on the other side.

Hint: World 1-3: Secret tunnel:
Play on level 3, go to the first lion, and kill it. Get the points and smash the first block in front of the lion. Jump again where you smashed the block to find an object on top of it. Jump on it, and it will lead you to a secret tunnel.

Super Mario Cheat Game Ps2

Hint: World 1-3: Ride up:
When starting on level 3, walk back to the left until you are almost under the wall. Jump up at the side of the wall and a box should appear. Jump on that box and ride up.

Jump higher:
Jump from a crouch to get higher.

Level select:
Successfully complete the game twice in succession. Press A to change the starting level number which appears next to the final score. Press Start to begin at the selected level.

Super Mario Cheat Card Game

Run faster:
Press B while running to move even faster.

Three lives:
Press A just as Mario enters the Bonus room. He will be lined up with a ladder that leads to three lives.

If you know about any cheats we don't have, or you have some tips not listed below please let us know and we will add them, crediting the submitter.

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This is a list of cheat codes to type in while playing a level. You cannot save your game after using cheat codes.

  • needashell - Reserve box holds a green shell.
  • needaredshell - Reserve box holds a red shell.
  • needablueshell - Reserve box holds a blue shell.
  • needayellowshell - Reserve box holds a yellow shell.
  • needaturnip - Reserve box holds a turnip.
  • needa1up - Reserve box holds a 1-UP.
  • needamushroom - Reserve box holds a Super Mushroom.
  • needaflower - Reserve box holds a Fire Flower.
  • needaleaf - Reserve box holds a Super Leaf.
  • needatanookisuit - Reserve box holds a Tanooki Suit.
  • needahammersuit - Reserve box holds a Hammer Suit.
  • needaniceflower - Reserve box holds an Ice Flower.
  • needanegg - Reserve box holds an egg with no contents.
  • needaplant - Reserve box holds Toothy, a plant that can smash through bricks and defeat enemies.
  • needagun - Reserve box holds the Billy Gun.
  • needaswitch - Reserve box holds a P-Switch.
  • needabomb - Reserve box holds a SMB2 Bomb.
  • needashoe - Reserve box holds a Kuribo's Shoe
  • itsamemario - Changes player into Mario.
  • itsameluigi - Changes player into Luigi.
  • ibakedacakeforyou - Changes player into Peach.
  • anothercastle - Changes player into Toad.
  • iamerror - Changes player into Link.
  • supermario128 - Clones player 128 times.
  • supermario64 - Clones player 64 times.
  • supermario32 - Clones player 32 times.
  • supermario16 - Clones player 16 times.
  • supermario8 - Clones player 8 times.
  • supermario4 - Clones player 4 times.
  • supermario2 - Mario and Luigi appear. Push down and the drop item button to switch from Mario to Luigi.
  • 1player - Enables 1-Player Mode. Will delete any clones from the supermario codes.
  • 2player - Enables 2-Player Mode.
  • bombsaway - Spawns a bomb in the character's hand.
  • firemissiles - Spawns a Bullet Bill in the character's hand.
  • greenegg - Spawns an egg with a green Yoshi.
  • blueegg - Spawns an egg with a blue Yoshi.
  • yellowegg - Spawns an egg with a yellow Yoshi.
  • redegg - Spawns an egg with a red Yoshi.
  • blackegg - Spawns an egg with a black Yoshi.
  • purpleegg - Spawns an egg with a purple Yoshi.
  • pinkegg - Spawns an egg with a pink Yoshi.
  • coldegg - Spawns an egg with a cyan Yoshi.
  • stickyfingers - With this, you can grab and hold any NPC.
  • donthurtme - This enables invincibility, although you can still fall off of edges.
  • framerate - Works like framerate code. Shows the current framerate.
  • speeddemon - The game's frames go as fast as possible, so the entire level's events happen faster.
  • shadowstar - Makes the player pitch-black. Allows the player to walk through walls.
  • hammerinmypants - Spawns a friendly Hammer Brother in your hands.
  • wariotime - Turns all on-screen enemies into coins.
  • stophittingme - Hits you.
  • boingyboing - Gives you a trampoline.
  • ahippinandahoppin - Allows infinite jumping.
  • wingman - If you have a leaf, tanooki suit, Yoshi, or Lakitu's Shoe, you gain infinite flight.
  • captainn - With pause key you can stop time like a clock. (Does not work if pause key is Esc.)
  • moneytree - Gives you infinite coins.
  • flamethrower - If you have a Flower or Hammer Suit, it allows you to do Autofire when holding the run button.
  • sonicstooslow - This enables faster running.
  • imtiredofallthiswalking - Opens all paths on World Map.
  • anothercastle - Changes you to Toad.
  • illparkwhereiwant - Lets you walk around the world map freely.
  • donttypethis - A rain of bombs pour down and explode.
  • wetwater - Toggles the level's underwater status; changes the stage's background and music.
  • iceage - Freezes all enemies on screen (as long as they're affected by iceballs).
  • upandout - Gives you a Propeller Block.
  • burnthehousedown - Spawns a Propeller Flamethrower in your hands.
  • redigitiscool - This code is needed to save the game after using cheat codes.

Super Mario 3 Card Game Cheat

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