Zombs Royale Game Cheats Online

  • Zombs Royale is a multiplayer survival game set in a Battle Royale arena. As with many Battle Royale games, you join the deadly battlefield via parachute and scramble around looking for resources and comradery with other players. Build a base, fight zombie hordes, and take down hostile players. There can only be one Zombs champion!
  • I am here to show you guys a Glitch i have debunked from this game Zombs.Royale Game! The game has grown increasingly and i wanted to show you this.

I am here to show you guys a Glitch i have debunked from this game Zombs.Royale Game! The game has grown increasingly and i wanted to show you this.

This is a list of some helpful Tips and tricks for ZombsRoyale.io. Feel free to add your own!

Itemizing[edit | edit source]

Itemizing is the act of making sure your loadout is effective for the current situation. What will be referred to as the 'situation' is made up of many variables that include skill of enemies, equipment of enemies, current location on the map, circle location, and more.

  • The usefulness of items will change as the game goes on and your situation changes.
    • AOE damage such as RPGs and damage-dealing grenades are great in enclosed spaces. This is when you can camp and roomclear more often. So, AOE damage is usually more usefull during the early to mid game. However, you might get lucky with a house in the final circle.
    • Long range guns such as sniper rifles are more useful outside of closed spaces. This is because if you are to close to a target, their damage will decrease dramatically. Check sniper rifles for exact numbers. (Note: an exception is sniper rifle use in camping because you can position your self far away enough from a window that you can still do maximum damage to anyone trying to peek.)
    • Medium range weapons such as some SMGs and assault rifles are useful at all stages of the game. They're versatile guns and you should have at least one in your inventory at all times.
    • Short range guns are useful in short range. There's no reason to use them at medium ranges when many other options are better, and most short range guns' bullets won't even travel to long ranges.
    • Damage over time is interesting, and someone more qualified than me should answer this. In my opinion, they're guns used as personal preferences. However, these are definitely a secondary weapon, and you should make sure to maximize your damage by switching to a primary weapon while the damage-over-time is damaging your enemies.
    • In the earlygame, small pots are the single best healing item you can get. Once you get 50 shield, however, you should focus on obtaining medkits or large pots. Once you get to the lategame or if fights break out too often, you should drop items that take too long to use and go back to finding small pots. The usefulness of hybrid potions make them viable at every stage of the game. Pick them up and drop other meds when ever you find them.

itemize: know what good guns are and use them at the correct ranges, have both long and short ranges, aoe?, meds?, med heal timers?, etc (melee to run fast, melee in earlygame if you have to, tips on situational consumables/how to use all grenades and weapons and when, aoe that can kill you)

Zombs Royale Game Cheats OnlineZombs Royale Game Cheats Online

I would do that or a rifle as your 1st weapon like a scar, shotgun or p90 for 2nd, large amo like a sniper or rpg, for 3rd, grenades for 4th, and meds for 5th.

Landing Locations[edit | edit source]

Usually the best place to land for starters is, Radical Reef or Space Base II. The following is a popularity guide. (Most to least)

Zombs Royale Game Cheats Online
  1. Blossom Burbs
  2. Mystic Forest
  3. Sunny Shores
  4. Clowny Circus
  5. Space Base ll
  6. Lucky Lake
  7. Wild West
  8. Tinker Town
  9. Faraway Farm

Looting[edit | edit source]

Get Zombs Royale Game

Effective Room Clearing/Camping[edit | edit source]

Room clearing is the act of making sure a room, house, or other area is safe.

  • Be familiar with camping and use that knowledge against campers.
  • Sides of houses with a window but not a door are the safest to check. This ensures that an impulse grenade is the only quick way to get to you. Otherwise, an attacker would have to walk out the door and around a corner.
  • Don't approach a window head-on. Instead, walk up to it while hugging the wall and do a quick peek inside before immediately backing up. This way, if someone tries to shoot you through the window, you've predicted the attack and moved away. If there was no one in the house, you get to feel really cool.isten for sounds of meds, switching weapons, reloading, etc that might indicate people inside a house.

Camping is the act of staying in one place and and ambushing anyone that comes along, as opposed to hunting for kills and moving about.

  • Be familiar with Room clearing and use that knowledge against room clearers.
  • High damage burst weapons such as AK-47s, RPGs, Sniper Rifles, and Grenades should be used when camping. This ensures that even if you only get one shot off at an enemy, the damage will have been worth it.
  • Be quiet.

Combat/Teamfighting[edit | edit source]

  • Bullets have travel time in this game. Learn the bullet speeds for your favorite guns and lead your shots accordingly.
  • Strafe so you get hit by less bullets.
  • When teamfighting, try to flank, or attack an enemy from different sides.
  • Airdrops are immune to bullets, so you can use them as walls.
  • Make sure you aren't low on ammo.
  • You can pickup and drop weapons to loot a clip of their ammo. (Assault rifles will give you 30 medium, RPGs will give you 1 large, etc.)
  • Reload as often as possible.

Misc.[edit | edit source]

  • Hybrids don't stack. Make sure you've healed the full 25 health and shield before using another one or else you will get less health and shield.
  • You can bait people into trying to attack you by healing and then switching to a weapon or grenade when they move into range. However, make sure you can kill them before they kill you.
  • Don't take fights you can't win. However, sometimes you need to push your limits to learn how intense of a fight you can participate in. Dying is fine, if you learn something from it.
  • Bodyblock enemy bullets if you're knocked down near a teammate. That way, they get an extra 300 hp shield. However, you might want to hide instead if you want to survive and get revived.
  • Recognize bots: they move in straight lines and turn very slowly. They can open doors from further than real players, and they are able to hold them open against your will. Since they turn slowly, an easy way to kill them is to be very close and walk in circles around them while shooting.
  • You can camp the edge of the gas to catch people weakened by the gas. However, you might get cornered by people approaching from the center, and you might not even find people to kill.
  • Watch out for skin camouflage, especially with Pink Afro skin users hiding in the pink blossom tree forest.
  • Watch the bushes.
  • 'Save' meds/guns by hiding them away from other people or in houses so you can use them later. Or, drop them into the storm so they don't get stolen.
  • Play with and against people better than you. Learn from them, and you'll improve. You can also ask the Zombsroyale Discord for help.
  • If you're below 30 health and not playing solo, suicide and get revived for 30 free health. Make sure you and your team are safe before you attempt this.
  • Find a familiar way to switch between items. Scrolling, using keybindings, and clicking the item icons all have their own pros and cons; try them out, and use whatever combination of the three you prefer!
  • You developed object permanence. Use it. If you see people walk into houses, don't run face first into them later, forgetting they were there.

How to play guide for ZombsRoyale.io

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